Mobile phone radiation damages sperm of men for keeping devices in their trouser pocket and its natural solution in Nigeria

Radiation can affect quality of sperm and does other damages. Radiation can affect quality of sperm and does other damages. It has already pushed many men on the borderline of infertility without knowing. Many men also worsen the case by taking alcohol and cigarette. These will keep increasing the infertility case nowadays.

Radiation emitting from mobile phones kept in trouser pockets has now been confirmed to be causing male infertility.
Scientists have announced that men who keep a mobile phone in their trouser pocket could be inadvertently damaging their chances of becoming a father, thanks to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) emitted by the mobile devices.

Most of the global adult population own mobile phones, and around 14% of couples in high and middle income countries have difficulty conceiving. Dr Fiona Mathews at the University of Exeter conducted a systematic review of the findings from 10 studies, including 1,492 samples, with the aim of clarifying the potential role of this environmental exposure on male fertility.

Participants in the studies were from fertility clinics and research centres, and sperm quality was measured in three different ways: motility (the ability of sperm to move properly towards an egg), viability (the proportion of sperm that were alive) and concentration (the number of sperm per unit of semen). In control groups, 50-85% of sperm have normal movement.

The researchers found this proportion fell by an average of 8% points when there was exposure to mobile phones.
Similar effects were seen for sperm viability. The effects on sperm concentration were less clear.
Dr Mathews then said, “Given the enormous scale of mobile phone use around the world, the potential role of this environmental exposure needs to be clarified. This study strongly suggests that being exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from carrying mobiles in trouser pockets negatively affects sperm quality. This could be particularly important for men already on the borderline of infertility, and further research is required to determine the full clinical implications for the general population.”

The results were consistent across in vitro studies conducted under controlled conditions and observational in vivo studies conducted on men in the general population.
This is a wake up call for all men who are already battling with low sperm count or bad sperm quality and all men in general. Pocket is not the best place to keep your handsets for the sake of your own fertility. See cure for infertility and A-Z sexual problem kit 1 & 2 below.


Such as:

  • Low Sperm Count.
  • Azoospermia
  • Low libido
  • Vericocele
  • Quick ejaculation &
  • Other sexual problem.




Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)          N100,000

No Sperm Count  (Azoospermia)            N120,000

Vericocele                                                  N120,000

Click here to read more about male infertility

FEMALE INFERTILITY: Click here to read more about female infertility


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