Infertility Solutions Natural Approaches

13 Features That Affect a Woman’s Fertility And Natural Approaches To Tackle It


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Every woman suffers a gynecological condition at some point in her life. For most, it will be minor and easily treatable, but for others their condition may have devastating consequences – impacting their ability to have children and even, with some illnesses, threaten their life.


When these occur most women use several drugs while others do surgery.

N.B: Every drug has side effects and Surgery may cause severe clinical problems after done even some gynecology problems re-occur after first surgery. How long will you keep doing surgery? Click here to read about risk you are expose to after surgery
It is good to note that a lot of Medical Doctors are now going natural in treating clients.

Women who want to increase their chances of getting pregnant often don’t know the best things to do or what to watch out for.

We provide the essential expert knowledge to ensure that women have access to the right information and can put things in the correct context and where necessary and take action.

So, below are some of factors that affect a woman’s fertility:

1- Alcohol


There’s no proof that a few drinks a week will leads to infertility, but doctors do caution against heavy drinking—more than one drink a day for women—which has been linked to an increased risk for ovulation disorder.

You probably already know you should stop drinking if you think you could be pregnant. Drinking during the early stages of pregnancy (and possibly even before conception) has been linked to premature births. As for whether it’s safe to drink later in pregnancy, the jury’s still out. Many say a small amount of alcohol is OK, but the CDC and Surgeon General say it’s best not to indulge since there is no proof that it’s not harmful to the baby.

2- Smoking


Smoking can hurt a developing fetus, but lighting up can also drastically affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant in the first place. Smoking causes up to 13% of all infertility cases. Cigarette smoke disrupts hormones and damages DNA in both men and women and it doesn’t have to be heavy smoking, either. Even women who smoke moderately or who are exposed to second hand smoke have disrupted endocrine function and can experience significant fertility issues.

3- Late Marriage and Your Mother


Ask your mom how old she was when she went through menopause. If she started on the early side, then you probably will, too. Women are born with a certain amount of eggs and there are certain genetic factors that might make you born with more or less eggs than usual, or that may make you use those eggs faster than other average women. But you certainly aren’t doomed to relive the same exact scenario your mom did. External factors that don’t necessarily affect you could have impacted your mom.

4-Abnormal Vaginal Discharge


Most vaginal discharges occur due to normal bodily functions, such as menstruation or sexual arousal (vaginal lubrication). Abnormal discharges, however, can indicate disease.  This could be because of Sexually Transmitted Infection, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis. The discharge from thrush is slightly pungent and white, that from trichomoniasis more foul and greenish, and that from foreign bodies resembling the discharge of gonorrhea, greyish or yellow and purulent (pus-like). This might make conceiving difficult

Click here to learn about Natural Treatment for Abnormal Vaginal Discharge and other Diseases such as STI etc. Click here

5- Fibroids


Approximately 3 out of 5 black women have fibroids these days. In fact, hundreds of thousands of black women have hysterectomies (a surgical procedure to remove the womb) every year because of complications caused by Fibroids.

People always consider surgery as solution without knowing there is natural cure for fibroids without surgery. Fibroids leads to infertility as well. Click here to learn about natural fibroids cure

6- Endomentriosis

Women with endometriosis develop tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue. But it is located outside the uterus, usually on other reproductive organs inside the pelvis or in the abdominal cavity.

It affects women of childbearing age. While some women do not have any symptoms, others experience ongoing pain. It is also a factor in infertility – 30 to 40 percent of women with the condition have difficulty conceiving a child.

Treatment: There is natural solution for Endometriosis without surgery. Click here to learn about natural way to get rid of endometriosis.

7- Fallopian Tube Blockage

Unblock Your Blocked Fallopian Tube Naturally

Fallopian tube obstruction/blocked is a major cause of female infertility.
Female infertility can be related to many things, including total or partial obstruction in one or both of the fallopian tubes. When obstructions prevent sperm from reaching an egg to fertilize it, this is called tubal factor infertility, for infertility solutions natural approaches. Click here to learn how to unblock your fallopian tube naturally

8- Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs in the ovary. They are common and usually form during ovulation. Ovulation happens when the ovary releases an egg each month. Many women with ovarian cysts don’t have symptoms. If not taken care might delay conceiving.

Treatment: Is our Ovarian Cysts Solution Kit. Click here to learn about natural way to get rids of Ovarian Cysts.

9- Obesity

Carrying around extra pounds can affect hormone production and make it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. The more weight a woman gains over her healthy weight, the more she tends to experience decreased ovarian function. A 2009 study published in Fertility and Sterility found that women who were obese at age 18 were more likely to develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and have problems with infertility. PCOS is the most common hormonal problem among women of reproductive age, and the leading cause of Female Infertility.

10- Being Underweight

Just as excess body fat can impact fertility, so can not having enough of it. That may be because women who have very low BMIs are deficient in leptin, the hormone that controls hunger and feelings of satiety. Having low leptin contributes to the Menstrual Problem. Maintaining a healthy body weight—one that falls in the normal BMI range and that is reached through a healthy diet and moderate exercise—is one of the most important things a woman can do to increase her chances of getting pregnant

11- Age

When a woman reaches menopause, usually in her 40s or 50s, she no longer ovulates and is unable to get pregnant. But even in the decade or so before menopause officially occurs, she may experience fertility problem as her ovulation becomes less regular and her egg count declines—a time known as perimenopause.

There’s no official age when fertility begins to take a dive, but it often becomes increasingly difficult to get pregnant after a particular age. This age is different for every woman, though; some may go through perimenopause earlier, while others remain fertile through their 40s. 

12-Extreme exercise


Working out helps keep you slim, strong, and full of energy—all important when you’re trying to get pregnant. Thing is, you can overdo it: If you’re exercising too much, it can have a negative impact on ovulation.

The most obvious sign of a potential problem is a change in ovulation.


People who are addicted to caffeine, some studies suggest you may have trouble getting pregnant. Caffeine interferes with the muscle contractions that help eggs travel from the ovaries and through the fallopian tubes to the womb, drinking five or more cups of coffee a day may cut a woman’s chances of successful pregnancy. If you’re struggling to conceive, it’s worth taking a look at your caffeine intake and cutting back if you’re drinking more than 200 milligrams a day—that’s 1 to 2.8-ounce cups of coffee.

If you are currently struggling with Female Infertility caused by some of the above conditions, there is hope for you. Read about infertility solutions natural approaches

Natural  Solution to Female Infertility and

Natural Solution to Male infertility

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