Menstral cycle of a healthy woman is believed to be regular and pain free. Eastern medicine claims that fibroids result from blood that is not flowing freely through the channels of the body. This result in a darker more clotted menstrual flow and a negative impact generally on the body’s immune system. How Acupuncture Treatments […]
Tag: female infertility
Degeneration of Fibroid in Women
Deterioration; change from a higher to a lower form, especially change of tissue to a lower or less functionally active form. When there is chemical change of the tissue itself, it is true degeneration; when the change consists in the deposit of abnormal matter in the tissues, it is infiltration. What is Fibroid degeneration? Fibroid […]
Exercises that helps to prevent and reduce estrogen in fibroid
Fibroids: If you are looking for tips on how to prevent Fibroid, you would be remiss if you do not incorporate exercise as a preventative measure. Most people hate exercise. TOUGH. If you are one of these people, you will just have to determine whether being fibroids free is enough motivation to start exercising regularly. […]
Effect of Chicken on fibroids and natural remedies in Nigeria
The scary link between chicken and fibroids Most women with fibroids should maintain a diet inclusive of meat protein like fish and chicken, some gynaecologists advise women to refrain from eating too many non-organic meat products, which could possibly lead to the worsening of uterine fibroids. It usually worsen with a high intake of pesticides […]
Natural treatment for Chlamydia Infection in Nigeria
Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachoatis. It is a common, treatable infection, which often has no symptom in men or women unless it leads to complications. It is now estimable that Chlamydia affects 1 in 12 women between the ages of 16 and 24. In women Chlamydia is spread […]
Ovarian cysts and ovarian tumors and their natural treatments In Nigeria
The ovaries are two small organs located on either side of the uterus in a woman’s body. They make hormones, including estrogen, which trigger menstruation. Every month, the ovaries release a tiny egg. The egg makes its way down the fallopian tube to potentially be fertilized. This cycle of egg release is called ovulation. Ovarian […]
Revealed 3 main reasons why your 2 fallopian tubes are blocked
Welcome to blocked fallopian tube clinic (without surgery) BE HAPPY YOU FOUND US! Every woman has 2 fallopian tubes. These tubes are the roads where sperm and egg travel to meet each other. A blockage in fallopian tubes prevent sperm and egg to meet, this blockage is responsible for 40% of infertility in women. However, […]
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and its natural treatment
OVERVIEW Introduction Symptoms Natural Cure for PCOS INTRODUCTION Polycystic ovary syndrome (say “pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm”) is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS also may cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it isn’t […]
Endometritis Natural Treatment In Nigeria
HOW TO GET RID OF ENDOMETRITIS NATURALLY WITHOUT SURGERY If Endometriosis Is Making Your Life A Misery, Here Is A Natural Remedy To Get Rid Of It Naturally Without Surgery And With No Negative Side Effects… Below are real life testimonies with scan result before and after taking our treatment:
Welcome to Menstrual problem natural clinic! Here you can get rid of irregular menstruation naturally. BE HAPPY YOU FOUND US! Proven menstrual problem natural remedy. Do you have irregular menstruation? Heavy/continuous bleeding? Skipped periods? Is it scanty? Or Pre-mature menopause? Below is a sample testimony on how our treatment normalizes irregular (problem) menstruation in just […]