Acne, Male hormones; their relationship with PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) arises from a dramatic, ongoing, abnormal shift in a woman’s hormonal balance. This hormone imbalance causes a cascade of negative effects, such as the growth of painful cysts on the ovaries, difficult periods, trouble getting pregnant, diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that […]

Acupuncture and Fibroids

Menstral cycle of a healthy woman  is believed to be regular and pain free. Eastern medicine claims that fibroids result from blood that is not flowing freely through the channels of the body. This result in a darker more clotted menstrual flow and a negative impact generally on the body’s immune system. How Acupuncture Treatments […]

Ruptured Ovarian cyst and it symptoms

A ruptured ovarian cyst is a common phenomenon, with presentation ranging from no symptoms to symptoms mimicking an acute abdomen which varies. Menstruating women have rupture of a follicular cyst every cycle, which is either asymptomatic or with mild transient pain. In less usual circumstances, the rupture can be associated with significant pain. In very […]

Exercises that helps to prevent and reduce estrogen in fibroid

If you are looking for tips on how to prevent Fibroid, you would be remiss if you do not incorporate exercise as a preventative measure. Most people hate exercise. TOUGH. If you are one of these people, you will just have to determine whether being fibroids free is enough motivation to start exercising regularly. The research […]

Natural treatment for Intramural fibroid in Nigeria

Uterine fibroid, also known as uterine leiomyomas or myomas, are one of the most common medical conditions affecting at least one out of every four women. These are benign tumors formed from the muscular layer of the uterus. Women with fibroids may or may not experience any outer symptoms. Therefore, fibroid are often detected only […]

Fibroid surgery vs Natural medicine without surgery in Nigeria

FIBROID SURGERY vs NATURAL MEDICINE WITHOUT SURGERY. 1. Traditional fibroid surgery—called myomectomy requires an incision roughly 8 inches long, a three- to four-day hospital stay and an at-home recovery of six to eight weeks. Myomectomy can often be done using laparoscopy or through the vagina (hysteroscopy). Some surgeries can be done using robotic tools. Sometimes, […]

Natural Ways To Unblock Tubal Blockage naturally without surgery In Nigeria.

We have 7 natural ways and 1 super-natural way to open blocked Fallopian tubes. Keep reading as we have revealed the secret. Almost 40% of infertility cases account from blocked Fallopian tubes. Very often, only one of the Fallopian tubes is blocked, with the other functioning normally. However, some women may have bilaterally blocked Fallopian […]

Body cleansing and detoxification in nigeria

Body cleansing and detoxification refers to a natural approach to ridding the body of harmful contaminants. The body can become overwhelmed by toxins, resulting to a decrease in the effectiveness of its natural defense system. Moreover, Unwanted toxins that accumulate in the body can be introduced via herbicides; pesticides; radiation; preservatives; drugs; alcohol; cigarette smoke; […]

Natural Treatment For Candidiasis Infection in Nigeria

Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that normally lives in healthy balance in the body and is found mostly in the intestines, genital tract, mouth and throat. When the balance is upset, infection results. This is known as candidiasis and the fungus travels to all parts of the body through the blood stream. Furthermore, it […]

Natural treatment for Chlamydia Infection in Nigeria

Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachoatis. It is a common, treatable infection, which often has no symptom in men or women unless it leads to complications. It is now estimable that Chlamydia affects 1 in 12 women between the ages of 16 and 24. In women Chlamydia is spread […]