Natural treatment for Intramural fibroid in Nigeria

Uterine fibroid, also known as uterine leiomyomas or myomas, are one of the most common medical conditions affecting at least one out of every four women. These are benign tumors formed from the muscular layer of the uterus. Women with fibroids may or may not experience any outer symptoms. Therefore, fibroid are often detected only […]

Natural treatment for Appendicitis without surgery in Nigeria

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that is often caused by an obstruction, but it may be caused by an infection. The appendix is a small sac-like lymphoid appendage of the large intestine that hangs down on the lower right side of the abdominal cavity. Once thought to serve no known function, the appendix […]

Body cleansing and detoxification in nigeria

Body cleansing and detoxification refers to a natural approach to ridding the body of harmful contaminants. The body can become overwhelmed by toxins, resulting to a decrease in the effectiveness of its natural defense system. Moreover, Unwanted toxins that accumulate in the body can be introduced via herbicides; pesticides; radiation; preservatives; drugs; alcohol; cigarette smoke; […]

Natural treatment for Chlamydia Infection in Nigeria

Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachoatis. It is a common, treatable infection, which often has no symptom in men or women unless it leads to complications. It is now estimable that Chlamydia affects 1 in 12 women between the ages of 16 and 24. In women Chlamydia is spread […]

Natural treatment for Prostatitis In Nigeria

Prostatitis is a general term for inflammation of the prostate gland, an organ about the size and shape of a walnut, located just below the bladder in males. The prostate gland’s main function is to produce semen, the fluid that helps nourish and transport sperm. Acute bacterial prostatitis: Bacteria normally found in your urinary tract […]

Revealed 3 main reasons why your 2 fallopian tubes are blocked

Welcome to blocked  fallopian tube clinic (without surgery) BE HAPPY YOU FOUND US! Every woman has 2 fallopian tubes. These tubes are the roads where sperm and egg travel to meet each other. A blockage in fallopian tubes prevent sperm and egg to meet, this blockage is responsible for 40% of infertility in women. However, […]


Welcome to Menstrual problem natural clinic! Here you can get rid of irregular menstruation naturally. BE HAPPY YOU FOUND US! Proven menstrual problem natural remedy. Do you have irregular menstruation? Heavy/continuous bleeding? Skipped periods? Is it scanty? Or Pre-mature menopause? Below is a sample testimony on how our treatment normalizes irregular (problem) menstruation in just […]