Natural treatment for Gallstones in Nigeria

Gallstones are hard crystals made up of cholesterol and other substances that form in the gallbladder or the bile duct. The gallbladder is located directly under the liver; it functions to store and concentrate the bile. Gallstones range in size from a grain of sand to larger than a pea. If a gallstone is pulled […]

Natural treatment for Appendicitis without surgery in Nigeria

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that is often caused by an obstruction, but it may be caused by an infection. The appendix is a small sac-like lymphoid appendage of the large intestine that hangs down on the lower right side of the abdominal cavity. Once thought to serve no known function, the appendix […]

Natural treatment for Abdominal pain in Nigeria

The abdomen is the area in the trunk of the body that extends from between the rib cage to the pelvic region. Abdominal pain can be mild or severe, and it can stem from something simple as overreacting to causes as serious as appendicitis and gall bladder diseases. Symptoms of abdominal pain include cramping and […]