Natural treatment for Gastritis in Nigeria

Gastritis, also known as dyspepsia, is an inflammation, irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It can occur suddenly or come on gradually and causes indigestion and digestive problems. Gastritis and dyspepsia can be a condition itself or it can be a symptom of a more serious disorder of the stomach, small intestine […]

Natural treatment for Insomnia in Nigeria

Insomnia is the inability to sleep. Sleep is a state of consciousness, which gives your body time to rest and build up your strength. While you are asleep, your body goes through different stages at approximately 90 minutes cycles. These includes light sleep, deep sleep, dreaming (also known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Newborn […]

Natural treatment for Obesity in Nigeria

Obesity is an excessive amount of body fat, which results from overeating, lack of exercise and bad eating habits. Obesity is determined by a person’s body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by figuring weight and height. Most practitioners use the following BMI ranges as indications that a person is overweight or obese: BMI 25 […]

Natural treatment for Asthma in Nigeria

Asthma is a disease in which inflammation of the airways restricts airflow in and out of the lungs. The word asthma comes from the Greek word “panting”. The panting and wheezing sound characteristic of asthma occur because of the restricted flow of air. Normally, when you breath in, an irrirantor are subjected to a stressor […]

Natural Solutions For All Health Diseases In Nigeria

Natural Solutions To Your Health Diseases I. A. & S. Wellness Centre is a natural herbal medicines company in Nigeria. We make use of 100% herbal medicines in treating Men & Women health issues without exposing you to surgery, chemical drugs or negative side effect. We  have successfully tackled several health challenges with our 100% […]

HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Its Devastating Effects And How It Leads To Infections, Gynaecology Problem, Yeast Overgrowth, Migraines, Autommune disease, Cancer, Insomnia, Type II diabetes, Osteoporosis and How you can balance it naturally in Nigeria

hormonal imbalance: Women are very familiar with what hormonal changes can feel like. Birth control, your monthly period, or a seismic shift like during pregnancy or menopause can cause physical and emotional symptoms that bear the all too familiar hallmarks of hormonal control.