Natural treatment for Early Menopause in Nigeria

The menopause, also known as the ‘change of life’ is marked by the ending of menstruation. The cessation of ovulation and menstrual cycle marks the end of a woman’s childbearing years. It occurs between the ages of 45 and 50, although in some cases it can happen as late as the age of 60 and […]

HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Its Devastating Effects And How It Leads To Infections, Gynaecology Problem, Yeast Overgrowth, Migraines, Autommune disease, Cancer, Insomnia, Type II diabetes, Osteoporosis and How you can balance it naturally in Nigeria

hormonal imbalance: Women are very familiar with what hormonal changes can feel like. Birth control, your monthly period, or a seismic shift like during pregnancy or menopause can cause physical and emotional symptoms that bear the all too familiar hallmarks of hormonal control.