Natural Treatment for Tuberculosis in Nigeria

Tuberculosis(TB) is a bacteria disease that mainly affects the lungs. In 15% of patients it affects other areas, causing swollen lauph nodes, pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes around the lungs), and meningitis (inflammation of the innerioembranes of the brain and spinal cord). It may also affect the kidneys, urinary tract, genitals, thyroid, bones, and joints. […]

HORMONAL IMBALANCE: Its Devastating Effects And How It Leads To Infections, Gynaecology Problem, Yeast Overgrowth, Migraines, Autommune disease, Cancer, Insomnia, Type II diabetes, Osteoporosis and How you can balance it naturally in Nigeria

hormonal imbalance: Women are very familiar with what hormonal changes can feel like. Birth control, your monthly period, or a seismic shift like during pregnancy or menopause can cause physical and emotional symptoms that bear the all too familiar hallmarks of hormonal control.