HYPERANDROGENIC ANOVULATION (PCOS) DEFINITION OF PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition characterized by the accumulation ofnumerous cysts (fluid-filled sacs) on the ovaries associated with high male hormone levels,chronic anovulation (absent ovulation), and other metabolic disturbances. Classic symptoms include excess facial and body hair, acne, obesity, irregular menstrual cycles, and infertility. DESCRIPTION FOR PCOS PCOS, also called SteinLeventhal syndrome, is a group of symptoms caused by underlyinghormonal and metabolic disturbances that affect about 6%of premenopausal women. PCOS symptoms appear as early as adolescence in the form of amenorrhea (missed periods), obesity,and hirsutism, the abnormal growth of body […]
Tag: anovulation
WHAT IS ANOVULATION? Anovulation means lack of ovulation, or absent ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. This must happen in order to achieve pregnancy naturally. If ovulation is irregular, but not completely absent, this is called oligo-ovulation. Both anovulation and oligo-ovulation are kinds of ovulatory dysfunction. Ovulatory dysfunction is a common cause of […]