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Partner with us : I. A. & S. Wellness Centre.

I. A. & S. Wellness Centre is a natural herbal medicines company in Nigeria dedicated to improve the health of mankind, achieve good health in the most natural and affordable way possible through high quality 100% herbal medicines.



1- A lot of people are sick, a lot are suffering and dying of one health disease or the other, they keep spending on drugs, surgery yet no sustainable result , our mission is to rescue such people and provide affordable natural solution

2- A lot of people especially female have undergone surgery for a problem that can be solved naturally without operation/surgery. This has exposed many to severe pain on a daily basis or one damage in the body system after surgery. It is like one problem solved another problem started.

Many do not know there are natural way to treat all diseases and get them solved.

Our mission is to help all these people achieve good health in natural way. Click here to see testimonies from people who have achieved good health from our centres with proves/evidences of their test report before and after treatment.



1- Efficacy of  our herbal medicines must be obvious. We do not use herbal medicines that has no obvious efficacy.

2. To ensure safety of our clients. We use 100% herbal medicines without chemical.

We have used our herbal medicines to solve hundreds of diseases people believe it can’t be cured or that only surgery is the way out. Click here to read detail about us



If you help enough people achieve what they want (good health) you will achieve what you want too (good health and financial freedom)

If you share the same passion and philosophy with I. A. & S. Wellness Centre to deliver better life for more people, and free them from many health challenges they are facing. We invite and welcome you to join our team and become a distributor anywhere you are.

Handsome rewards are attached.

Contact us for business discussion

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