Good News! Coronavirus: COVID-19: Boost Your Immunity With Corona Remedy Capsule (Herbal Prevention And Treatment)

Coronavirus epidemic, also called CoVID-19 has raised a global concern. The virus is spreading widely and has put everyone in a mess on how to protect oneself from this pandemic.
 Yes! Not everyone is affected, and not everyone who is infected dying. So, you can protect yourself too. The world today is following an old phrase ‘Survival of the fittest’.

Common names for this disease:

Corona, Corona Disease, Corona Pandemic, Coronavirus.

Description Of Coronavirus:

Coronavirus is a virus. It causes illness ranging from common cold to severe Respiratory symptoms. It is considered to be an Air borne disease. It spreads by coming in contact with body fluids of the infected person.
It can transmit through droplets in Cough or Sneeze, Kissing or having Sex with an infected person, touching something that might be infected and then touching your mouth, nose or eye.
Best solution is to keep the body’s defense high by taking Immunity booster herb called (CORONA REMEDY CAPSULE)

Symptoms Of Coronavirus:

1.       Fever
2.       Nausea
3.       Headache
4.       Diarrhea
5.       Dry cough
6.       Body pain
7.       Throat pain
8.       Severe Nausea
9.       Soreness of Throat
10.   Exhausted feeling
11.   Difficulty breathing
12.   Excessive Coughing with sputum
13.   Pain while eating and drinking
14.   Hoarseness increases
15.   Difficulty while eating and drinking
16.   Body pain on movement or moving any body part
17.   Pain in Throat while eating, drinking, swallowing or talking


Coronavirus (CoVID-19) goes from mild to severe. It takes 2-14 days for the symptoms to appear after being exposed to it.
Day 1- 3
        I.            Symptoms will be similar to Common Cold and Flu.
      II.            Fever
    III.            Throat pain
    IV.            Diarrhea
      V.            Nausea
Day 4
        I.            Throat pain increases
      II.            Soreness of Throat
    III.            Difficulty while eating and drinking
    IV.            Headache
      V.            Diarrhea
Day 5
        I.            Throat pain
      II.            Pain while eating and drinking
    III.            Hoarseness increases
    IV.            Body pain on movement or moving any body part
Day 6
        I.            Dry cough
      II.            Pain in Throat while eating and swallowing or talking
    III.            Exhausted feeling
    IV.            Severe Nausea
      V.            Difficulty breathing
Day 7
        I.            Fever increases.
      II.            Excessive Coughing with sputum
    III.            Body pain, Headache, Diarrhea and vomiting worsen
Day 8
        I.            Severe difficulty in breathing
      II.            Heaviness in Chest
    III.            Coughing, Headache and Joint pains increases more
We have listed 17 symptoms faced by corona virus patients. Let us assume that 17 different patients came to our clinic each of them having just one of the 17 symptoms listed above till all 17 symptoms are distributed. As a natural medical practitioner, the natural medicines we have been using for almost a decade to treat individual symptoms in the 17 patients are what we put together we then crown it all with very high natural immune booster and alkalinity herbs and it forms CORONA VIRUS CAPSULE.
Body Part(s) Affected By Coronavirus:
Lungs And Respiratory Tract. Let us look into all existing diseases of the lung and respiratory track:
List Of All Respiratory Tract Diseases:
A- Cough,
B- Diphtheria,
C- Phlegm,
D- SwineFlu,
E- Wheezing
List Of All Lungs Diseases:
A- Asthma
B- Allergic Bronchopulmonariy
C- Atelectasis
D- Asbestosis
E- Altitude Sickness
F- Bronchiolitis
G- Bronchitis
H- Bronchiectasis
I- Chest Congestion
J- Cystic Fibrosis
K- Emphysema
L- Haemoptysis
M- Lung Cancer
N- Mucormycosis
O- Pleurisy
P- Pneumonia
Q- Pulmonary Embolism
R- Pulmonary Fibrosis
S- Silicosis
T- Smoking Addiction
U- Tuberculosis. TB
GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE STRUGGLING WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE LUNG OR RESPIRATORY DISEASES. The corona remedy capsule is a very good remedy for you without having to test positive to corona virus.
Who are more prone to Coronavirus?
1-      Person with weak immunity or weakened Immune system.
2-      Children below 10 years of age and elderly above 60 years of age. Since they have a relatively weak Immune system and so are at a greater risk of getting affected by CoVID-19.
3-      Those suffering from ailments as Heart disease, Kidney problems, Liver problems, or any other ailment or underlying disease.
4-      The people who are already suffering from any ailment have a compromised Immune system and so have increased chances of getting infected.
Recommendations to prevent CoVID-19 spread include:
A-     Wash hands regularly: Wash hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol based (60% alcohol) hand sanitizer or hand rub. It kills the viruses that might be present in your hands. Do it especially when you come from public places, office, after touching various objects.
B-      Avoid touching Eyes, Nose or Mouth: Hands come in contact with multiple objects as doors, tables, computers etc. and can pick up viruses. The hands get contaminated and can transfer the virus through Eyes, Nose or Mouth. The virus thus enters the body and makes you sick.
C-      Maintain social distancing: Maintain a distance of 1 metre or 3 feet from someone who is coughing or sneezing. Also, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing or when anyone else does so.
D-     To deal with the crisis caused by Coronavirus (CoVID-19), one way out of all the preventive measures is to keep your immunity high.
E-      Respiratory Hygiene: Follow a good respiratory hygiene and educate people in your surroundings too. While sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with a tissue or do it with a bent elbow. Dispose the used tissue. Viruses spread majorly through fluid droplets.
F-      Maintain a High temperature: As per study, the virus does not stay in high temperature of 56 degree Celsius and more. It becomes inactive after 90 minutes at 56 degree Celsius, 60 minutes at 67 degree Celsius and 30 minutes at 75 degree Celsius.
G-     Drink hot water: Drink hot water after regular intervals.
H-     Keep surfaces clean: If the surface around you is dirty, clean them immediately. Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
I-        Avoid contact with someone having Respiratory illness as Cough or sneeze.
J-       Avoid meat and eggs or cook them thoroughly.
K-      To deal with the crisis caused by Coronavirus (CoVID-19), one way out of all the preventive measures is to keep your immunity high and alkaline the body system. Coronavirus can’t survive in alkaline body  and high immunity environment. Therefore, you need to prevent yourself from getting infected. A strong Immune system will fight the disease and will help the body recover to normal.


Corona Remedy Capsule is naturally designed to prevent and treat corona virus.

This Coronavirus capsule contains:
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin E
* Dietary Fiber
* Calcium
* Iron
* Riboflavin
* Thiamine
* Niacin
* Folate
* Antioxidant Nutrients,
* Flavonoids
* Carotenes;
* Low In Calories And Sodium
Having mentioned few of what CONONA VIRUS CAPSULE contains, it becomes easy to understand why the capsule is most beneficial when it comes to health and that is why is it very high in the following:
Human body electrolyte may be either acidic or alkaline. Acidic is bad and alkaline is good. The capsule is good to neutralize the acid level in the body. To prevent all infection (viral, bacteria, fungi) we need to keep our body alkaline all the time.
It alkalizes thereby prevent corona virus, cold, catarrh and cough which are the major signs of corona virus. Corona and other virus can not live in an alkaline body environment.
It is important to realize that your immune system is your first line of defence against various infections that can make you really sick.
Amazingly, Corona virus capsule can fulfil more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C, making it great agent of a stronger immune system.  Therefore treat viral infections.
The enzymes present in the capsule, especially the papain and chymopapain, reduce the inflammation in different parts of the body. This will reverse the inflamed lungs like pneumonia caused by corona virus.
Researchers have come to discover that papayas which is one of the ingredients in corona virus capsule is effective against breast, pancreatic and other cancers.
FOR PREVENTION: 3-3-3 Morning, Afternoon & Night.
FOR CHILDREN: 1-1-1 Morning, Afternoon & Night
FOR TREATMENT OF CORONA VIRUS: Take 4 capsules every 4 hours for 2weeks-4weeks. (7am, 11am, 4pm, 9pm, 2am, 7am) for 3-4 weeks the repeat the test after treatment.





Call/whatsapp us on 08178871052 or walk into our clinic and pick it up.



3rd Floor, 473, Lagos-Abeokuta Express Way, UBA Building, U-turn Bus Stop, Abule Egba, Lagos, Nigeria.

 Mon – Friday (9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.) Nigerian Time

Saturday (10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.) Nigerian Time

Our Office is Close on Sunday but you can Whatsapp, Call, Email Us.




Or you can Contact us: I.A.& S Wellness Centre through this form

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