Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease includes all conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels like Angina, atherosclerosis, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Cardiomyopathy, Chronic venous insufficiency, Diabetes, Heart attack, high cholesterol, high homocysteine, high triglycerides, hypertension, insulin resistance syndrome, mistral valve prolapse and stroke.

Both men and women suffer from heart disease, but more and more women are suffering from the disease than ever before. More women die from heart disease each year than from breast cancer and uterine cancer combined. African-Americans are more risk at risk of developing heart disease than those of other ethnicity.

Many people with cardiovascular disease have elevated or high cholesterol levels. Low HDL cholesterol (known as the good cholesterol) and high LDL cholesterol (known as the bad cholesterol) are more specifically linked to cardiovascular disease than is total cholesterol. However,  A blood test, administered by most healthcare professionals, is used to determine cholesterol levels.

Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) of the vessels that supply the heart with blood is the most common cause of heart attacks. Similarly, Atherosclerosis and high cholesterol usually occur together, though cholesterol levels can change quickly and Atherosclerosis generally takes decades to develop. However, The link between high triglyceride levels and heart disease is not as well established as the link between high cholesterol and heart disease.

A high triglyceride level is an independent risk factor for heart disease in some people.High homocysteine levels have been identified as an independent risk factor for heart disease.

Smoking increases the risk of heart disease caused by hypertension.Abdominal fat, or a “beer belly”, versus fat that accumulates on the hips, is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack. Overweight individuals are more likely to have additional risk factors related to heart disease, specifically hypertension, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and diabetes.

There are many different types of problems and diseases tied to heart disease:

Pulmonary Stenosis:

Is the narrowing of the pulmonic valve that restricts blood flow to the lungs. This condition is often congenital and can occur with or without symptoms.Rheumatic Heart Disease: Refers to damage and scaring of the heart valves caused by bacteria infection, such as streptococcus or rheumatic fever. Rheumatic heart disease can lead to heart failure.

Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) :

Also known as Barlow’s syndrome, is a condition in which the mitral valve protudes into the left atrium of the heart between beats. MVP is not usually considered dangerous, but it may cause dizziness or palpitations.

Congenital heart defect:

Is a defect of the heart that is present at birth.

Congestive Heart Failure:

Is a condition that is due to a inadequate blood flow leading from the heart, causing accumulation of fluid in the lungs and lower extremities, fatigue, poor skin color and shortness of breath.


Occurs with inflammation of the endocardium membrane that surrounds the heart muscle. This condition is commonly found in immune system malfunction or as the result of heart surgery complications.


Is an irregular twitching or vibrating heartbeat that may cause dizziness and general weakness. Fibrillation can lead to medical emergency and death.              

Myocardial infarction:

Also known as heart attack, occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is cut off. The lack of blood supply is usually the result of a blood clot and/or narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. A heart attack can range from mild to severe and often results to death of the part of the heart muscle.

Ischemic Heart Disease;

is the lack of sufficient oxygen to the heart, usually caused by atherosclerosis, which may lead to a heart attack and/or heart failure.

Angina Pectoris:

Is a condition that results to heavy, tight pain and pressure in the chest due to lack of oxygen delivered to heart tissue. Angina pain often increases with physical activity and may be a warning sign of a pending heart attack.


Is an abnormal heart beat rhythm caused by improper electrical function of the heart. Some types of arrhythmia are very dangerous, while others pose no significant health risk.

Cardiac Arrest:

Occurs when the hearts stops beating cutting off the blood supply to the brain and other vital organs, this very serious development can lead to loss of consciousness and death.


Is a disease of the heart muscle that causes enlargement, rigidity or dilation of the heart, which may lead to impaired heart function and heart failure.                      


Is an inflammation of the heart muscle, which is usually caused by an infection. Carditis may result to permanent heart damage.


People with cardiovascular disease may not have any symptoms, or they may experience difficulty in breathing during exertion or when lying down, fatigue, lightheaded, include pain and pressure in the chest, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, sweating, fatigue, poor color, edema, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, fainting, depression, memory problems, confusion, frequent waking during sleep, an awareness of the heartbeat, sensation of fluttering or pounding in the chest, swelling around the ankles, or a large abdomen. An estimated 25% of people who have heart attacks have no previous symptoms of heart trouble.


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