Menstrual Problem

What is the Menstrual Cycle?

When periods (menstruations) come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle. Having regular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body are working normally. The menstrual cycle provides important body chemicals, called hormones, to keep you healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens.

The rise and fall of levels of hormones during the month control the menstrual cycle.

What happens during the Menstrual Cycle?

In the first half of the cycle, levels of estrogen (the “female hormone”) start to rise. Estrogen plays an important role in keeping you healthy, especially by helping you to build strong bones and to help keep them strong as you get older.

Estrogen also makes the lining of the uterus (womb) grow and thicken. This lining of the womb is a place that will nourish the embryo if a pregnancy occurs. At the same time the lining of the womb is growing, an egg, or ovum, in one of the ovaries starts to mature. At about day 14 of an average 28-day cycle, the egg leaves the ovary. This is called ovulation.

After the egg has left the ovary, it travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Hormone levels rise and help prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. A woman is most likely to get pregnant during the 3 days before or on the day of ovulation. Keep in mind, women with cycles that are shorter or longer than average may ovulate before or after day 14.

How do I record menstrual cycle?

A woman who wants to have a baby should monitor whether the first days of her period tends to come the same number of days apart every month, which is considered being regular.

Conversely, her periods may be irregular, meaning her cycle lengths vary from month to month. By tracking this information on a calendar, a woman can better predict when she might be ovulating, the time when her ovaries will release an egg every month.
A woman’s egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release. However, a man’s sperm can survive in a woman’s body for about six days.

Monitor Ovulation

Women with regular cycles generally ovulate two weeks before the arrival of their periods. It’s harder to predict ovulation in women with irregular cycles, but it usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of the woman’s next period.
There are several methods women can use to help determine their most fertile days each month.
One study found that intercourse is most likely to result in a pregnancy when it occurs two days before ovulation.

Research has shown that there hasn’t been a big difference in pregnancy rates between couples who had sex every day during the “fertile window” (37 percent) compared with couples who had sex every other day (33 percent), “And having sex every other day might be easier for a couple to pull off,”.

There are plenty of common misconceptions and old wives’ tales about conception. For example, there’s no evidence that the position a couple has sex in will influence their chances of having a baby, nor does a woman lying on her back for a certain amount of time after intercourse increase the odds of conceiving.

When does woman become pregnant?

A woman becomes pregnant if the egg is fertilized by a man’s sperm cell and attaches to the uterine wall. If the egg is not fertilized, it will break apart. Then, hormone levels drop, and the thickened lining of the uterus is shed during the menstrual period.

How to select the Sex of your Child (Male/Female)?

Natural research has reveal that if a man meets a woman sexually when ovulating and pregnancy occur along the line, the result is a baby girl, if he meets her when the vagina is dried the result is a baby boy.

What is a typical menstrual period like?

During your period, you shed the thickened uterine lining and extra blood through the vagina. Your period may not be the same every month. It may also be different than other women’s periods. Periods can be light, moderate, or heavy in terms of how much blood comes out of the vagina. This is called menstrual flow. The length of the period also varies. Most periods last from 3 to 5 days. But, anywhere from 2 to 7 days is normal.

For the first few years after menstruation begins, longer cycles are common. A woman’s cycle tends to shorten and become more regular with age. Most of the time, periods will be in the range of 21 to 35 days apart.

What kinds of problems do women have with their periods?

Abdominal-Pain: Women can have a range of problems with their periods, including pain, heavy bleeding, and skipped periods.

Amenorrhea: Lack of a menstrual period. This term is used to describe the absence of a period in:

Young women who haven’t started menstruating by age 15
Women and girls who haven’t had a period for 90 days, even if they haven’t been menstruating for long

Causes can include:
A. Pregnancy
B. Breastfeeding
C. Extreme weight loss
D. Eating disorders
E. Excessive exercising
F. Stress
G. Serious medical conditions in need of treatment

As above, when your menstrual cycles come regularly, this means that important parts of your body are working normally. In some cases, not having menstrual periods can mean that your ovaries have stopped producing normal amounts of estrogen. Missing these hormones can have important effects on your overall health. Hormonal problems, such as those caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or serious problems with the reproductive organs, may be involved.

It’s important to talk us if you have this problem. Our Menstrual Solution Kit will help you out.

Dysmenorrhea: Painful periods, including severe cramps. Menstrual cramps in teens are caused by too much of a chemical called prostaglandin. Most teens with dysmenorrhea do not have a serious disease, even though the cramps can be severe. In older women, the pain is sometimes caused by a disease or condition such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

For some women, using a heating pad or taking a warm bath helps ease their cramps. Some over-the-counter pain medicines can also help with these symptoms but they have negative side effect. It is very advisable to use our Natural Menstrual Solution Kit to help you normalize it (without side effect).

Abnormal uterine bleeding — vaginal bleeding that’s different from normal menstrual periods. It includes:
A. Bleeding between periods
B. Bleeding after sex
C. Spotting anytime in the menstrual cycle
D. Bleeding heavier or for more days than normal
E. Bleeding after menopause

Abnormal bleeding can have many causes. Your doctor may start by checking for problems that are most common in your age group. Some of them are not serious and are easy to treat. Others can be more serious. Treatment for abnormal bleeding depends on the cause. However, irrespective of the causes our MENSTRUAL SOLUTION KIT will normalize it.

In both teens and women nearing menopause, hormonal changes can cause long periods along with irregular cycles. Even if the cause is hormonal changes, you may be able to get treatment. You should keep in mind that these changes can occur with other serious health problems, such as uterine fibroids, polyps, or even cancer. Talk to us if you have long periods or irregular cycle.

How long does a woman have periods?

Women usually have periods until menopause. Menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, usually around age 50. Menopause means that a woman is no longer ovulating (producing eggs) or having periods and can no longer get pregnant. Like menstruation, menopause can vary from woman to woman and these changes may occur over several years.

The time when your body begins its move into menopause is called the menopausal transition. This can last anywhere from 2 to 8 years. Some women have early menopause because of surgery or other treatment, illness, or other reasons. If you don’t have a period for 90 days, you should see your doctor. He or she will check for pregnancy, early menopause, or other health problems that can cause periods to stop or become irregular.

Treatment for any kind of problem associated with period can be solve by our MENSTRUAL SOLUTION KIT.

Our MENSTRUAL SOLUTION KIT can help you to regain your untimely Menopause.

See us if you fall into one out of these 1-10:

1. You have not started menstruating by the age of 15

2. You have not started menstruating within 3 years after breast growth began, or if breasts haven’t started to grow by age 13.

3. Your period suddenly stops for more than 90 days.

4. Your periods become very irregular after having had regular, monthly cycles.

5. Your period occurs more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days.

6. You are bleeding more heavily than usual or using more than 1 pad or tampon every 1 to 2 hours.

7. You have severe pain during your period.

8. You suddenly get a fever and feel sick after using tampons.


This Kit takes care of menstrual cramp and naturally and permanently cures all the under lining causes any form of menstrual problems from 1-10.

The Kit contains all the nutrients and micro-elements needed for proper menstruation, regulate hormones that control the menstrual cycle.

You can walk into our office and pick up the kit. We can as well deliver it to you free nationwide. Read on to see the Price.

9. You bleed between periods.

10. You are bleeding for more than 7 days.

Causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding include:

Fibroids, Endometriosis, Perimenopause, Pregnancy, Ovarian cancer, Ovarian Cysts, Uterine polyps, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS, Random ovulatory cycles Uterine sarcoma, Vaginal atrophy, Vaginal cancer, Vaginal or cervical trauma, Adenomyosis, Celiac disease, Cervical cancer, Cervical polyps (such as a cervical infection, inflamed cervix or growths on the cervix), Endometrial cancer, Endometrial hyperplasia, Endrometrial polyps, Gonorrhea, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Intrauterine, contraceptive device, Menorrhagia Miscarriage (before the 20th week) or intrauterine fetal death, Severe systemic disease, such as kidney or liver disease, Sexual abuse, Sexual intercourse, Stopping birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (withdrawal bleeding), Tamoxifen side effect, Thrombocytopenia, Vaginitis Von Willebrand disease (and other blood clotting disorders).


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