are noncancerous growths that develop on finger-like structures, and they usually appear in the rectum, colon, large intestine, cervix, bladder, nose and other areas of the body and usually occur in groups. They are usually not serious, but can cause pain and bleeding. Polyps are usually caused by injury or recurring irritation to the mucus membrane.
Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings that grow on the lining of your nose or sinuses (the small, air-filled cavities above and behind your nose). They may be yellowish, gray or pink in color and can vary greatly in size.
A Nasal Polyp will be shaped like a tear drop when it is growing, and look like a peeled grape attached by a narrow stalk when it is fully grown. Polyps can either grow singly or in clusters and they usually affect both nostrils.
Nasal Polyps are the result of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose or sinuses (the moist tissue that lines organs and body orgies such as the nose, mouth, and lungs), but exactly what triggers this inflammation isn’t always clear.
Nasal Polyps can interfere with your breathing if they grow large enough or if they grow in a cluster. They can also reduce your sense of smell by blocking the flow of air to the sensitive areas on the roof of your nose that control smell and also block the holes through which mucus drains out and air flow through your sinuses to ventilate them.
This blockage can lead to sinusitis. About 1 in 100 people will develop nasal polyps at some point in their life. They are more common in men than women, and in people over 40. Nasal polyps are rare in children, although some children with cystic fibrosis may develop them. Nasal polyps are often associated with allergies and sinus infection, polyps in the reproductive organs are usually tied to hormonal imbalances or injury.
Cervical polyps can cause a heavy, watery, bloody discharge from the vagina.
Intestinal polyp is caused by chronic gastrointestinal irritation. Colon polyps are usually the result of inadequate fiber in the diet.
Furthermore, Polyps of the colon and rectum often and not result to symptoms and are found during a routine examination. Sometimes, rectal bleeding can occur.
Moreover, Polyps on the vocal chords can result from prolonged screaming or sing with improper technique. Polyps on the vocal chords result to painless hoarseness.
Conclusively, Polyps in the bladder often result to blood in the urine.