Tag Archives: abdominal pain

Proven Natural treatment for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) in Nigeria

sexually transmitted disease (Std)

Proven natural treatment for sexually transmitted disease (Std) in Nigeria. sexually transmitted disease (Std) are infectious diseases that are spread primarily through sexual contact (but not exclusively). Some STDs can also be passed from a mother to her baby during delivery and through breastfeeding while infected. STDs may also be transmitted by sharing infected needles. […]

Natural treatment for Kidney Diseases without Surgery in Nigeria

Kidneys have a very important function because it filter waste product out of the body. As blood passes through the kidneys, all the body’s natural toxins are removed. The waste product and extra water becomes urine, which the kidneys send to the bladder for storage until urination. Kidneys also regulate the levels of certain substances […]

Body cleansing and detoxification in nigeria

Body cleansing and detoxification refers to a natural approach to ridding the body of harmful contaminants. The body can become overwhelmed by toxins, resulting to a decrease in the effectiveness of its natural defense system. Moreover, Unwanted toxins that accumulate in the body can be introduced via herbicides; pesticides; radiation; preservatives; drugs; alcohol; cigarette smoke; […]

Natural treatment for Abdominal pain in Nigeria

The abdomen is the area in the trunk of the body that extends from between the rib cage to the pelvic region. Abdominal pain can be mild or severe, and it can stem from something simple as overreacting to causes as serious as appendicitis and gall bladder diseases. Symptoms of abdominal pain include cramping and […]

Ovarian cysts and ovarian tumors and their natural treatments In Nigeria

The ovaries are two small organs located on either side of the uterus in a woman’s body. They make hormones, including estrogen, which trigger menstruation. Every month, the ovaries release a tiny egg. The egg makes its way down the fallopian tube to potentially be fertilized. This cycle of egg release is called ovulation. Ovarian […]


OVARIAN CYSTS An ovarian cyst is an accumulation of fluid within an ovary that is  surrounded by a thin “shell”.. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than approximately 2cm is an ovarian cyst. Ovarian cysts can range widely in size; from being as small as a pea to larger than an orange. However, ovarian cysts […]

Revealed 3 main reasons why your 2 fallopian tubes are blocked

Welcome to blocked  fallopian tube clinic (without surgery) BE HAPPY YOU FOUND US! Every woman has 2 fallopian tubes. These tubes are the roads where sperm and egg travel to meet each other. A blockage in fallopian tubes prevent sperm and egg to meet, this blockage is responsible for 40% of infertility in women. However, […]

Will Fibroids Grow Again After Surgery?

Will Fibroids Grow Again After Surgery? Fibroids may be found again after a surgery because the surgeon was not careful about removing all the fibroids during surgery. One ultrasound study found that 29% of women had some left behind after surgery. Also, there are instances when small fibroids are present and they become extremely difficult […]

Natural Solutions For All Health Diseases In Nigeria

Natural Solutions To Your Health Diseases I. A. & S. Wellness Centre is a natural herbal medicines company in Nigeria. We make use of 100% herbal medicines in treating Men & Women health issues without exposing you to surgery, chemical drugs or negative side effect. We  have successfully tackled several health challenges with our 100% […]

FIBROID: Reasons for increase in fibroid cases and its natural solution (without surgery) in Nigeria

OVERVIEW What are fibroid? Types, Causes of fibroid Risk Factors and Symptoms and Diagnosis of fibroid Treatment options WHAT ARE FIBROID? Fibroid are benign (non-cancerous) growths that can occur in your womb (uterus). They are also known as myomas or leiomyomas. The vast majority of fibroid occur in women of reproductive age, and according to […]